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Chapter 2 : The Project Management Context

Diposting oleh Unknown Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Projects and project management operate in an environment broader than that of  the project itself. The project management team must understand this broader  context—managing the day-to-day activities of the project is necessary for success  but not sufficient. This chapter describes key aspects of the project management  context not covered elsewhere in this document. The topics included here are:

2.1 Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle
2.2 Project Stakeholders
2.3 Organizational Influences
2.4 Key General Management Skills
2.5 Social-Economic-Environmental Influences 


Because projects are unique undertakings, they involve a degree of uncertainty.  Organizations performing projects will usually divide each project into several  project phases to improve management control and provide for links to the  ongoing operations of the performing organization. Collectively, the project  phases are known as the project life cycle. 

2.1.1 Characteristics of Project Phases 

Each project phase is marked by completion of one or more deliverables. A deliverable is a tangible, verifiable work product such as a feasibility study, a detail  design, or a working prototype. The deliverables, and hence the phases, are part  of a generally sequential logic designed to ensure proper definition of the product  of the project. 

The conclusion of a project phase is generally marked by a review of both key  deliverables and project performance to date, to a) determine if the project should  continue into its next phase and b) detect and correct errors cost effectively. These  phase-end reviews are often called phase exits, stage gates, or kill points.

Each project phase normally includes a set of defined deliverables designed to  establish the desired level of management control. The majority of these items  are related to the primary phase deliverable, and the phases typically take their  names from these items: requirements, design, build, test, startup, turnover, and  others, as appropriate. Several representative project life cycles are
described in  Section 2.1.3.

2.1.2 Characteristics of the Project Life Cycle 

The project life cycle serves to define the beginning and the end of a project. For  example, when an organization identifies an opportunity to which it would like  to respond, it will often authorize a needs assessment and/or a feasibility study  to decide if it should undertake a project. The project life-cycle definition will  determine whether the feasibility study is treated as the first project phase or as  a separate, standalone project. 

The project life-cycle definition will also determine which transitional actions  at the beginning and the end of the project are included and which are not. In  this manner, the project life-cycle definition can be used to link the project to the  ongoing operations of the performing organization.

The phase sequence defined by most project life cycles generally involves some  form of technology transfer or handoff such as requirements to design, construction to operations, or design to manufacturing. Deliverables from the preceding  phase are usually approved before work starts on the next phase. However, a subsequent phase is sometimes begun prior to approval of the previous phase deliverables when the risks involved are deemed acceptable. This practice of  overlapping phases is often called fast tracking.

Project life cycles generally define: 

  • What technical work should be done in each phase (e.g., is the work of the  architect part of the definition phase or part of the execution phase?). 
  • Who should be involved in each phase (e.g., implementers who need to be  involved with requirements and design). 
Project life-cycle descriptions may be very general or very detailed. Highly  detailed descriptions may have numerous forms, charts, and checklists to provide  structure and consistency. Such detailed approaches are often called project management methodologies. 

Most project life-cycle descriptions share a number of common characteristics:

  • Cost and staffing levels are low at the start, higher toward the end, and drop  rapidly as the project draws to a conclusion. This pattern is illustrated in  Figure 2-1.
  • The probability of successfully completing the project is lowest, and hence risk  and uncertainty are highest, at the start of the project. The probability of successful completion generally gets progressively higher as the project continues.
  • The ability of the stakeholders to influence the final characteristics of the  project’s product and the final cost of the project is highest at the start and  gets progressively lower as the project continues. A major contributor to this  phenomenon is that the cost of changes and error correction generally  increases as the project continues.

Care should be taken to distinguish the project life cycle from the product life  cycle. For example, a project undertaken to bring a new desktop computer to  market is but one phase or stage of the product life cycle. 

Although many project life cycles have similar phase names with similar deliverables required, few are identical. Most have four or five phases, but some have  nine or more. Even within a single application area, there can be significant variations—one organization’s software development life cycle may have a single  design phase while another’s has separate phases for functional and detail design.

Subprojects within projects may also have distinct project life cycles. For  example, an architectural firm hired to design a new office building is first  involved in the owner’s definition phase when doing the design, and in the  owner’s implementation phase when supporting the construction effort. The  architect’s design project, however, will have its own series of phases from conceptual development through definition and implementation to closure. The  architect may even treat designing the facility and supporting the construction as  separate projects with their own distinct phases.

2.1.3 Representative Project Life Cycles

The following project life cycles have been chosen to illustrate the diversity of  approaches in use. The examples shown are typical; they are neither recommended nor preferred. In each case, the phase names and major deliverables are  those described by the author for each of the figures. 

  • Concept and technology development—paper studies of alternative concepts  for meeting a mission need; development of subsystems/components and concept/technology demonstration of new system concepts. Ends with selection  of a system architecture and a mature technology to be
  • System development and demonstration—system integration; risk reduction;  demonstration of engineering development models; development and early  operational test and evaluation. Ends with system demonstration in an operational environment. 
  • Production and deployment—low rate initial production (LRIP); complete  development of manufacturing capability; phase overlaps with ongoing operations and support. 

  • Support—this phase is part of the product life cycle, but is really ongoing management. Various projects may be conducted during this phase to improve  capability, correct defects, etc.

Construction. Adapted from Morris (1), describes a construction project life  cycle, as illustrated in Figure 2-3.

  • Feasibility—project formulation, feasibility studies, and strategy design and  approval. A go/no-go decision is made at the end of this phase.
  • Planning and design—base design, cost and schedule, contract terms and conditions, and detailed planning. Major contracts are let at the end of this phase.
  • Construction—manufacturing, delivery, civil works, installation, and testing.  The facility is substantially complete at the end of this phase.
  • Turnover and startup—final testing and maintenance. The facility is in full  operation at the end of this phase.  Pharmaceuticals. Murphy (2) describes a project life cycle for pharmaceutical  new product development in the United States, as illustrated in Figure 2-4.
  • Discovery and screening—includes basic and applied research to identify candidates for preclinical testing. 
  • Preclinical development—includes laboratory and animal testing to determine  safety and efficacy, as well as preparation and filing of an Investigational New  Drug (IND) application.
  • Registration(s) workup—includes Clinical Phase I, II, and III tests, as well as  preparation and filing of a New Drug Application (NDA).
  • Postsubmission activity—includes additional work as required to support Food  and Drug Administration review of the NDA.

Software development. There are a number of software life-cycle models in  use such as the waterfall model. Muench, et al. (3) describe a spiral model for  software development with four cycles and four quadrants, as illustrated in  Figure 2-5.
  • Proof-of-concept cycle—capture business requirements, define goals for proof  of concept, produce conceptual system design and logic design, and construct  the proof of concept, produce acceptance test plans, conduct risk analysis, and  make recommendations.
  • First-build cycle—derive system requirements, define goals for first build, produce logical system design, design and construct the first build, produce  system test plans, evaluate the first build, and make recommendations.
  • Second-build cycle—derive subsystem requirements, define goals for second  build, produce physical design, construct the second build, produce subsystem  test plans, evaluate the second build, and make recommendations.
  • Final cycle—complete unit requirements and final design, construct final  build, and perform unit, subsystem, system, and acceptance tests.


Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in  the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result  of project execution or project completion; they may also exert influence over the  project and its results. The project management team must identify the stakeholders, determine their requirements, and then manage and influence those  requirements to ensure a successful project. Stakeholder identification is often  especially difficult. For example, is an assembly-line worker whose future employment depends on the outcome of a new product-design project a stakeholder?

Key stakeholders on every project include:

  • Project manager—the individual responsible for managing the project.
  • Customer—the individual or organization that will use the project’s product.  There may be multiple layers of customers. For example, the customers for a  new pharmaceutical product may include the doctors who prescribe it, the  patients who take it, and the insurers who pay for it. In some application  areas, customer and user are synonymous, while in others customer refers to  the entity purchasing the project’s results and users are those who will directly  use the project’s product.
  • Performing organization—the enterprise whose employees are most directly  involved in doing the work of the project.
  • Project team members—the group that is performing the work of the project.
  • Sponsor—the individual or group within or external to the performing organization that provides the financial resources, in cash or in kind, for the  project.

In addition to these, there are many different names and categories of project  stakeholders—internal and external, owners and funders, sellers and contractors,  team members and their families, government agencies and media outlets, individual citizens, temporary or permanent lobbying organizations, and society at  large. The naming or grouping of stakeholders is primarily an aid to identifying  which individuals and organizations view themselves as stakeholders. Stakeholder roles and responsibilities may overlap, as when an engineering firm provides financing for a plant that it is designing.  


Managing stakeholder expectations may be difficult because stakeholders  often have very different objectives that may come into conflict. For example:
  • The manager of a department that has requested a new management information system may desire low cost, the system architect may emphasize technical excellence, and the programming contractor may be most interested in  maximizing its profit.
  • The vice president of research at an electronics firm may define new product  success as state-of-the-art technology, the vice president of manufacturing may define it as world-class practices, and the vice president of marketing may be  primarily concerned with the number of new features.
  •  The owner of a real estate development project may be focused on timely performance, the local governing body may desire to maximize tax revenue, an  environmental group may wish to minimize adverse environmental impacts,  and nearby residents may hope to relocate the project.
In general, differences between or among stakeholders should be resolved in favor of the customer. This does not, however, mean that the needs and expectations of other stakeholders can or should be disregarded. Finding appropriate  resolutions to such differences can be one of the major challenges of project  management.


Projects are typically part of an organization larger than the project—corporations, government agencies, health-care institutions, international bodies, professional associations, and others. Even when the project is the organization  (joint ventures, partnering), the project will still be influenced by the organization or organizations that set it up. The maturity of the organization with respect  to its project management systems, culture, style, organizational structure, and  project management office can also influence the project. The following sections  describe key aspects of these larger organizational structures that are likely to  influence the project.

2.3.1 Organizational Systems

Project-based organizations are those whose operations consist primarily of projects. These organizations fall into two categories:
  • Organizations that derive their revenue primarily from performing projects for  others—architectural firms, engineering firms, consultants, construction contractors, government contractors, nongovernmental organizations, etc.
  •  Organizations that have adopted management by projects (see Section 1.3).  
  • These organizations tend to have management systems in place to facilitate  project management. For example, their financial systems are often specifically  designed for accounting, tracking, and reporting on multiple simultaneous  projects.
Nonproject-based organizations often lack management systems designed to  support project needs efficiently and effectively. The absence of project-oriented  systems usually makes project management more difficult. In some cases, nonproject-based organizations will have departments or other subunits that operate  as project-based organizations with systems to match.

The project management team should be acutely aware of how the organization’s systems affect the project. For example, if the organization rewards its functional managers for charging staff time to projects, then the project management  team may need to implement controls to ensure that assigned staff members are  being used effectively on the project. 
2.3.2 Organizational Cultures and Styles

Most organizations have developed unique and describable cultures. These cultures are reflected in their shared values, norms, beliefs, and expectations; in  their policies and procedures; in their view of authority relationships; and in  numerous other factors. Organizational cultures often have a direct influence on  the project. For example:
  • A team proposing an unusual or high-risk approach is more likely to secure  approval in an aggressive or entrepreneurial organization. 
  •  A project manager with a highly participative style is apt to encounter problems in a rigidly hierarchical organization, while a project manager with an  authoritarian style will be equally challenged in a participative organization.

2.3.3 Organizational Structure

The structure of the performing organization often constrains the availability of  or terms under which resources become available to the project. Organizational  structures can be characterized as spanning a spectrum from functional to projectized, with a variety of matrix structures in between. Figure 2-6 shows key projectrelated characteristics of the major types of enterprise organizational structures.  Project organization is discussed in Section 9.1, Organizational Planning.

The classic functional organization, shown in Figure 2-7, is a hierarchy where  each employee has one clear superior. Staff members are grouped by specialty, such  as production, marketing, engineering, and accounting at the top level, with engineering further subdivided into functional organizations that support the business  of the larger organization (e.g., mechanical and electrical). Functional organizations still have projects, but the perceived scope of the project is limited to the  boundaries of the function: the engineering department in a functional organization will do its work independent of the manufacturing or marketing departments. 

For example, when a new product development is undertaken in a purely functional organization, the design phase is often called a design project and includes  only engineering department staff. If questions about manufacturing arise, they are  passed up the hierarchy to the department head, who consults with the head of the  manufacturing department. The engineering department head then passes the  answer back down the hierarchy to the engineering project manager.

At the opposite end of the spectrum is the projectized organization, shown in  Figure 2-8. In a projectized organization, team members are often collocated.  Most of the organization’s resources are involved in project work, and project  managers have a great deal of independence and authority. Projectized organizations often have organizational units called departments, but these groups  either report directly to the project manager or provide support services to the  various projects.

Matrix organizations, as shown in Figures 2-9 through 2-11, are a blend of  functional and projectized characteristics. Weak matrices maintain many of the  characteristics of a functional organization, and the project manager role is more  that of a coordinator or expediter than that of a manager. In similar fashion,  strong matrices have many of the characteristics of the projectized  organization—full-time project managers with considerable authority and fulltime project administrative staff.

Most modern organizations involve all these structures at various levels, as  shown in Figure 2-12. For example, even a fundamentally functional organization may create a special project team to handle a critical project. Such a team  may have many of the characteristics of a project in a projectized organization.  The team may include full-time staff from different functional departments, it  may develop its own set of operating procedures, and it may operate outside the  standard, formalized reporting structure. 

2.3.4 Project Office

There is a range of uses for what constitutes a project office. A project office may  operate on a continuum from providing support functions to project managers in  the form of training, software, templates, etc. to actually being responsible for  the results of the project.


General management is a broad subject dealing with every aspect of managing an  ongoing enterprise. Among other topics, it includes:
  • Finance and accounting, sales and marketing, research and development, and  manufacturing and distribution.
  • Strategic planning, tactical planning, and operational planning.
  • Organizational structures, organizational behavior, personnel administration,  compensation, benefits, and career paths.
  • Managing work relationships through motivation, delegation, supervision,  team building, conflict management, and other techniques.
  • Managing oneself through personal time management, stress management,  and other techniques.

General management skills provide much of the foundation for building  project management skills. They are often essential for the project manager. On  any given project, skill in any number of general management areas may be  required. This section describes key general management skills that are highly  likely to affect most projects and that are not covered elsewhere in this document.

These skills are well documented in the general management literature, and their  application is fundamentally the same on a project.

There are also many general management skills that are relevant only on certain projects or in certain application areas. For example, team member safety  is critical on virtually all construction projects and of little concern on most software development projects.

2.4.1 Leading

Kotter (4) distinguishes between leading and managing while emphasizing the  need for both: one without the other is likely to produce poor results. He says that managing is primarily concerned with “consistently producing key results  expected by stakeholders,” while leading involves:

  • Establishing direction—developing both a vision of the future and strategies  for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision.
  • Aligning people—communicating the vision by words and deeds to all those  whose cooperation may be needed to achieve the vision.
  • Motivating and inspiring—helping people energize themselves to overcome  political, bureaucratic, and resource barriers to change.

On a project, particularly a larger project, the project manager is generally  expected to be the project’s leader as well. Leadership is not, however, limited  to the project manager: it may be demonstrated by many different individuals  at many different times during the project. Leadership must be demonstrated  at all levels of the project (project leadership, technical leadership, and team

2.4.2 Communicating

Communicating involves the exchange of information. The sender is responsible  for making the information clear, unambiguous, and complete so that the  receiver can receive it correctly. The receiver is responsible for making sure that  the information is received in its entirety and understood correctly. Communicating has many dimensions:

  • Written and oral, listening and speaking.
  • Internal (within the project) and external (to the customer, the media, the  public, etc.). 
  • Formal (reports, briefings, etc.) and informal (memos, ad hoc conversations, etc.). 
  • Vertical (up and down the organization) and horizontal (with peers and  partner organization).

The general management skill of communicating is related to, but not the  same as, Project Communications Management (described in Chapter 10). Communicating is the broader subject and involves a substantial body of knowledge  that is not unique to the project context, for example:

  • Sender-receiver models—feedback loops, barriers to communications, etc. 
  • Choice of media—when to communicate in writing, when to communicate  orally, when to write an informal memo, when to write a formal report, etc. 
  • Writing style—active versus passive voice, sentence structure, word choice, etc. 
  • Presentation techniques—body language, design of visual aids, etc. 
  • Meeting management techniques—preparing an agenda, dealing with conflict,  etc.

Project Communications Management is the application of these broad concepts to the specific needs of a project—for example, deciding how, when, in  what form, and to whom to report project performance.

2.4.3 Negotiating

Negotiating involves conferring with others to come to terms with them or reach  an agreement. Agreements may be negotiated directly or with assistance; mediation and arbitration are two types of assisted negotiation. 

Negotiations occur around many issues, at many times, and at many levels of  the project. During the course of a typical project, project staff is likely to negotiate for any or all of the following:

  • Scope, cost, and schedule objectives. 
  • Changes to scope, cost, or schedule. 
  • Contract terms and conditions. 
  • Assignments. 
  • Resources.

2.4.4 Problem Solving

Problem solving involves a combination of problem definition and decision-making.  Problem definition requires distinguishing between causes and symptoms.  Problems may be internal (a key employee is reassigned to another project) or  external (a permit required to begin work is delayed). Problems may be technical  (differences of opinion about the best way to design a product), managerial (a  functional group is not producing according to plan), or interpersonal (personality or style clashes).

Decision-making includes analyzing the problem to identify viable solutions, and  then making a choice from among them. Decisions can be made or obtained (from  the customer, from the team, or from a functional manager). Once made, decisions  must be implemented. Decisions also have a time element to them—the “right”  decision may not be the “best” decision if it is made too early or too late.

2.4.5 Influencing the Organization

Influencing the organization involves the ability to “get things done.” It requires  an understanding of both the formal and informal structures of all the organizations involved—the performing organization, customer, partners, contractors,  and numerous others, as appropriate. Influencing the organization also requires  an understanding of the mechanics of power and politics.

Both power and politics are used here in their positive senses. Pfeffer (5)  defines power as “the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course  of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to do things that they would  not otherwise do.” In similar fashion, Eccles et al. (6) say that “politics is about  getting collective action from a group of people who may have quite different
interests. It is about being willing to use conflict and disorder creatively. The negative sense, of course, derives from the fact that attempts to reconcile these interests result in power struggles and organizational games that can sometimes take  on a thoroughly unproductive life of their own.”


Like general management, socioeconomic influences include a wide range of topics  and issues. The project management team must understand that current conditions and trends in this area may have a major effect on its project: a small  change here can translate, usually with a time lag, into cataclysmic upheavals  in the project itself. Of the many potential socioeconomic influences, several  major categories that frequently affect projects are described briefly below.

2.5.1 Standards and Regulations

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) differentiates between  standards and regulations as follows (7): 

  • A standard is a “document approved by a recognized body, that provides, for  common and repeated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for products,  processes or services with which compliance is not mandatory.” There are  numerous standards in use covering everything from thermal stability of  hydraulic fluids to the size of computer diskettes.
  • A regulation is a “document, which lays down product, process or service characteristics, including the applicable administrative provisions, with which  compliance is mandatory.” Building codes are an example of regulations. 

Care must be used in discussing standards and regulations since there is a vast  gray area between the two; for example:

  • Standards often begin as guidelines that describe a preferred approach, and  later, with widespread adoption, become de facto regulations (e.g., the use of  the Critical Path Method for scheduling major construction projects).
  • Compliance may be mandated at different levels (e.g., by a government  agency, by the management of the performing organization, or by the project  management team).

For many projects, standards and regulations (by whatever definition) are well  known, and project plans can reflect their effects. In other cases, the influence is  unknown or uncertain and must be considered under Project Risk Management  (described in Chapter 11).

2.5.2 Internationalization

As more and more organizations engage in work that spans national boundaries,  more and more projects span national boundaries as well. In addition to the traditional concerns of scope, cost, time, and quality, the project management team  must also consider the effect of time-zone differences, national and regional holidays, travel requirements for face-to-face meetings, the logistics of teleconferencing, and often volatile political differences.

2.5.3 Cultural Influences

Culture is the “totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs,  institutions, and all other products of human work and thought” (8). Every  project must operate within a context of one or more cultural norms. This area  of influence includes political, economic, demographic, educational, ethical,  ethnic, religious, and other areas of practice, belief, and attitudes that affect the  way that people and organizations interact.

2.5.4 Social-Economic-Environmental Sustainability

Virtually all projects are planned and implemented in a social, economic, and  environmental context, and have intended and unintended positive and/or negative impacts. Organizations are increasingly accountable for impacts resulting  from a project (e.g., accidental destruction of archeological sites in a road construction project), as well as for the effects of a project on people, the economy,  and the environment long after it has been completed (e.g., a roadway can facilitate the access to and destruction of a once pristine environment).

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